
This Is A Culling: The Nine Satanic Sins Show You How To Survive It

This is Mengele meets Saw. Solve the puzzle, you get to live.

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I wanted to share something with all of you. It’s a thought exercise. So, I’ll show you where this particular rabbit hole took me and you can leave anything you’d like to add to this in the comments below.

In a conversation I had earlier today, we were commenting about the current relevance of the lyrics from Marilyn Manson’s Fight Song. 

In it, he sings, “The death of one is a tragedy. The death of a million is just a statistic,” which we felt resonated deeply with the way attitudes are so skewed right now in the face of all of this rampant covid shot disinformation. 

This was touching on the way the media skews the data to tug on your heart strings according to whichever bent they’d like to present in order to manufacture a shift in public opinion instead of simply doing the ethical thing by showing you how the data align so you might draw real conclusions from it to keep yourselves safe. What is really of detriment to the populace is carefully hidden and subverted from view.

Thinking of this reminded me of when all of this started. In early 2020, when most of us were only just hearing about what was happening in Wuhan, waiting to see how it played out before it touched the rest of the world yet, the words that came through for me loud and clear were: 

“This is a culling.”  

I knew it was deliberate. 

I knew the scenario was manufactured to target specific populations. 

The threat assessment part of my brain kicked in. 

I started asking questions that would take me in certain directions, reverse engineering the way the pieces fit together from the end results. 

I remember saying I felt like the beginning of this was a scenario in which you have to solve for x in a massive health puzzle. 

Solve the puzzle, you get to live.

Then I started outlining what factors were being CHOSEN FOR. Because only a psychopath would ever do this. In order to figure it out, you have to be empathic enough to think like a psychopath without ever becoming one. You have to think it through in their shoes like they would. So you have to get into their heads and figure out what they want and why, or you won’t survive it.

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Posted by StarfireCodes

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