
The Beatings Will Continue…

“The beatings will continue, until morale improves.” This quote is often attributed to Captain Bligh of the ill-fated ship, The Bounty, and it means that we are going to continue to punish you until you submit to us and like it.

J.P. Morgan Chase, a leader in the ESG movement, has reportedly severed business ties with rapper Kanye West after he wore a “White Lives Matter” shirt at his Paris fashion show. Since Kanye West is a free-thinker and beholden to no one, openly expressing his Christian beliefs and pro-life positions, and willing to question the woke narratives, they were looking for any way to silence him. If Kanye West was a pro-choice, pro-BLM, anti-Christian Democrat, he would still have an account with JP Morgan Chase. Also, this week Bank of America canceled popular conservative Twitter user Catturd’s podcast account. They gave no reason. This is the woke attacking people who think and say the wrong things and using punishment to compel heretics to think the correct way. The beatings will continue, until you espouse the approved left-wing narratives.

Not only are the woke using these types of strong-arm tactics to prevent people from speaking their mind, they’re using them to compel people’s speech. Colorado baker, Jack Phillips, who spent over 5 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars, defending a lawsuit because he refused, on religious grounds, to make a gay couple’s wedding cake, is once again being sued for violating Colorado’s anti-discrimination law for refusing to make a cake celebrating a gender transition. Phillips, a Christian, testified he did not believe someone could change genders and he would not celebrate “somebody who thinks that they can.” So, a bank can choose to not do business with a person because they disapprove of his political beliefs, but a baker must create art promoting political beliefs that go against his firmly held religious beliefs. The beatings will continue, until you violate your religious beliefs and espouse far-left wing ideology in your art.

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Posted by juddgarrett

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