

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday at age 96, ending her 70-year reign as Queen of England – the longest reign in the history of that monarchy. The usual race baiter came out of the woodwork to stomp on her grave. Former ESPN host, Jemele Hill wants to examine Queen Elizabeth II’s role in the “devastating impact of continued colonialism.” ABC’s Sunny Hostin said, “the monarchy… was built on the backs of black and brown people. She wore a crown with pillaged stones from India and Africa.”

But the most disturbing commentary was tweeted by Carnegie Mellon University professor Uju Anya. As Queen Elizabeth was suffering shortly before her death, professor Anya called her a “wretched woman” and a “genocidal colonizer” who is “the chief monarch of a thieving raping genocidal empire.” She also added, “May her pain be excruciating.”

Let’s be very clear, this person does not actually care about anybody who was exploited or killed by British colonization. She has no compassion for people who are suffering because that is not part of who she is as a person. She revealed who she is in her tweets – a person without a soul. Only a soulless person would wish an excruciating painful death on 96-year-old woman. In Christianity, we are taught the exact opposite. Jesus healed the wounded ear of one of the soldiers who came to take him to his death. In America, we have moved to lethal injection as the accepted means of execution because we want the deaths of viscous murderers to be as painless as possible. Wishing death on someone is bad; wishing an excruciatingly painful death on someone is evil, soulless.

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