
Video: Black Florida Dem Getting Hurricane Help Is So Happy, He Knows Who He's Voting For – The Reporter Reaction Speaks Volumes

He’s probably not going to appear in any campaign ads this season. Still, the man in this video might have given Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis the strongest endorsement for next month’s election he’s gotten this year. The unnamed speaker in this video, said he was a Democrat from Arcadia, Florida, and was going to be voting for DeSantis in November. Unfortunately, his expletive-laden comments would require so much editing to make them even PG-13 that there’s no way they’re going to get the distribution some would like to see. (And how. Seriously, if you’re at work, you should probably turn

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Posted by ProudAmerican

Jan. 6 Committee To Hold Final Report Until After November Elections

The Foundations You Must Know To Properly Function In The Jury, Grand Jury & Militia (Video) – Setting Brushfires