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Unreal: Biden slams oil companies for not expanding supply days after ‘no more drilling’ speech

President Joe Biden’s handlers have been working since day one to dismantle America’s fossil fuel industry. Not a joke. But that hasn’t stopped the administration from using oil companies as the scapegoat for consumers’ economic woes even after saying the quiet part out loud.

The inestimable capacity of Biden to “f*ck things up” in the words of former President Barack Obama only increases the longer he remains in the public eye. After nearly two years of walk backs, the White House may have grown tired of course correcting his statements Monday when the president’s official Twitter account bypassed one such blunder on “no more drilling” to once again target supposed corporate greed.

“Do you know how much six of the largest oil companies have made over the last six months?” Biden tweeted Monday afternoon. “Over $100 billion. That money should’ve been used to expand supply and lower prices at the pump.”

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