
"The President of the United States has both the constitutional (and statutory) power to declassify anything he wants….If President Trump left the White H

The President of the United States has both the constitutional (and statutory) power to declassify anything he wants.

If President Trump left the White House with classified records, they are declassified by his actions.

Period. All former Presidents get a federally funded office.

Office of the Former President

With staff.

And security clearances.

And Secret Service protection.

And secure facilities (SCIFs) for classified records.

Even if Trump had classified records, they were protected.


All Presidents take records when they leave.

They don’t pack their own boxes.

National Archives takes the position that almost everything is a “presidential record.”

The federal government over-classifies almost everything. It’s routine for any Office of the Former President to negotiate with National Archives.

They could’ve alerted Congress.

The Biden DOJ could’ve filed a civil lawsuit.

They could’ve sought a subpoena.

But unprecedented home raid?!

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Posted by cstarman417

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EXCLUSIVE: Warrant and Property Receipt from Mar-a-Lago Raid