
The Hunt for White Supremacy – Flopping Aces

How many times have you heard it? The greatest threat to this country, aside from Republicans, is white supremacy (which also means Republicans, white, brown or black).

Biden’s Fourth Reich needs something to make people believe this bullsh*t. Enter the FBI. The weaponized FBI has been cooking the books in an effort to try to support the outrageous and false accusations by the Biden Gestapo.

The FBI has chosen to ignore real crime and focus on ginning up the Supremacist angle

The FB has taken sides against the right.

Real crime is being ignored. The FBI has no interest human trafficking going on at the southern border. It has no interest in the fentanyl that kills 300 people every single day. One gutsy whistleblower was forced out of the FBI because he could no longer participate in malicious, deceitful and unconstitutional plots against Americans.

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Posted by cstarman417

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