
The Great Reset — How Donald J. Trump Flipped the Script

The Great Reset — How Donald J. Trump Flipped the Script, So the plot unfolds, actors emote, and the performance continues because the show must go on.  No matter what calamity interrupts the proceedings or what unfortunate [thing] has happened the show must go on, Democrats, Hillary Clinton

Congressional hearings are often-referred to as a show, political theater if you will.  How ironic since that’s exactly what our entire government, media, and culture has become, a show.  

The production, ‘The Great Reset’ depicts a populace evolving to a perfect society, no hate, racism or sexism.  Greedy oligarchs will be stripped of their ill-gotten gains, their riches distributed among the masses.  And this society will not rape the earth for their fuel, it will go green, will rescue the planet.  

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Posted by Yankee62

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