
The Gaslighting of Americans

The Gaslighting of Americans, Narcissists are true masters of gaslighting, Gaslighting not only involves lying with impunity, but it also involves the psychological defense mechanism of projection, Marxists and narcissists share the same strategy to achieve their goals

The term “gaslighting” has become very popular these days.  As a licensed mental health counselor, I hear the term gaslighting most often in discussions with clients who find themselves in close or intimate relationships with narcissists.  Everything a narcissist does is about power, control, and self-aggrandizement. Narcissists are true masters of gaslighting, and they can and will tell a bald-faced lie with an absolutely straight face. 

Not only do narcissists blatantly tell lies, but they also adamantly deny they ever said or did something even if you can prove they said or did it via a video or audio recording.  By now, I think you are beginning to see where I’m going with this discussion.

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Posted by Yankee62

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