
The evidence continues to pile up: The government’s strongarm policies against COVID were utter failures – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Since my last COVID update in June, the number of research papers has continued to show, with increasing force, the total and utter failure of every single one of the draconian edicts imposed on the pubic by leftist governments both in Democratic Party controlled states in the U.S. as well as worldwide.

Below are a small sampling of this accumulating research. Read it and weep.

My sorrow however comes from knowing that this knowledge was patently obvious from day one. This new research really isn’t new, it confirms what was well known, and was confirmed quickly as early as March 2020. However, when skeptics like myself, mostly on the right, desperately tried to stem the panic, it was all to no avail. The government’s edicts were always wrong, but no one wanted to listen. The data below merely confirms what all the data, before and during the Wuhan panic, was already telling us.

First and foremost, the lockdowns, mask, and social distancing mandates did not work….

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Posted by brzin

Watch: Liberal’s Trip to Trump Rally Goes Viral: ‘We Experienced Incredible Kindness’ – Truth Tent

A “Woke” Military is a Joke Military! By L.C. Vincent. Back when he was still President, Barack Obama addressed the graduating class of the Coast Guard Academy,