
The Cult of Dr. Oz: Ric Grenell Posts Insanely Out-of-Context Tweet from Kathy Barnette to Disparage Her ⋆ 🔔 The Liberty Daily

UPDATE: Ric Grenell doubled-down after being called out by hundreds. Instead of deleting the original Tweet, he posted a heavily-edited video again trying to disparage Kathy Barnette. This time, it takes her out of context multiple times to make it seem in very short clips that she’s a BLM racist. It’s quite sloppy; there’s a part […]

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Posted by Ace

Is Russia Hinting A Desire To End Invasion? Or Are They Trying To Make Ukraine The Bad Guy – The Lid

Biological Creatures Found in Vaxxed, MASSIVE Clots in Pure Bloods, Urgent CPS Abduction