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Romney votes against lifting preschool age mask mandates, prompts Don Jr to cry: ‘What a disgrace!’

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) seems bound and determined to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) as the preeminent contrarian in the Republican Party. The former failed Republican presidential nominee has voted against a measure that would have lifted a mask mandate for children as young as two who take part in the nation’s Head Start program.

Currently, the Biden regime requires “universal masking for all individuals two years of age and older,” if they are enrolled in the government-created preschool program. All employees, contractors and volunteers who might come into contact with the children must be vaccinated against COVID-19.

You know, because of the science.

An amendment offered by Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) to the PREVENT Pandemics Act would “prevent HHS from implementing or enforcing their regulations regarding mask or vaccination protections in the Head Start program again.”

While Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) frequently deviate from the mainstream of the GOP, they voted in favor of Braun’s amendment, making Romney the sole Republican member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee to vote against the measure which was struck down by a 12-10 vote.

“What a disgrace,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted.

“Shame on @MittRomney and every senator in this room who just voted to keep toddlers in masks,” wrote Kelsey Bolar of the Independent Women’s Forum. “I am happy to bring my 2-year-old to meet with any one of you to show you how insane it is to ask parents to cover their 2-year-olds faces with a worthless piece of cloth.”

Romney’s vote serves to make the U.S an outlier rather than a global leader in matters of mask policy. The World Health Organization has stated: “Children aged 5 years and under do not need to wear a mask.” (Emphasis in original.) The European Centre for Disease Control states mask-wearing is “not recommended for students” under the age of twelve.

The data in support of mask mandates for young children is scant and murky at best, but that hasn’t stopped school boards and politicians from screaming bloody murder over the prospect of interacting with unmasked children. Dr. Leana Wen, CNN’s medical analyst, had just last year dismissed masks as “little more than facial decoration” when it comes to mitigating the spread of viruses. Nevertheless, as performers in the theater of the absurd, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced in January that all students must wear medical-grade/surgical-grade masks both inside AND outside while at school.

But even if masks were a highly effective option for children it would require the use of a respirator similar to the N95 masks, which, as it turns out, are not fitted for very young children. The FDA notes that “N95 respirators are not designed for children … a proper fit cannot be achieved on children.”

“It’s time to get our lives back especially based upon science and not the political science,” said Braun on Tuesday.

Romney’s frequent divergence from his Republican colleagues is becoming business as usual for the senator. On Tuesday, Romney also voted against a measure introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) to abolish mask mandates on public transportation.

He has in the past marched with the overtly Marxist and fraudulent Black Lives Matter dis-organization, referred to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as an “insurrection against the Constitution,” and accused some Republican colleagues – without any evidence – of harboring a “pro-Putin sentiment,” labeling them as “almost treasonous” for their objections to large-scale U.S. military intervention in Ukraine.

Always one to torture a word, Romney most recently tweeted that former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard was a “treasonous” liar for claiming the existence of U.S.-funded biological labs in Ukraine which she then detailed for him.

Champions of the senator from Utah hail him as a principled politician who makes decisions with his conscience and his heart, but his propensity to blow with the most fashionable winds has perhaps only established him as a lickspittle for the Democratic Party.

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