
Pizzagate? Jack Dorsey's Private Email Was Leaked On Elon Musk / Matt Taibbi “Twitter Files' – The Tweet Is Now Deleted

Matt Taibbi, who has been tweeting out documents showing the Biden campaign’s connection to censorship on Twitter about censoring stories they didn’t like on Twitter (including the Hunter Biden laptop story) deleted a tweet that revealed a rather odd e-mail address that former CEO. There was one major theme that jumped out to me in the Elon Musk / Matt Taibbi “Twitter Files” bombshell posts from tonight… One thing most people are not talking about. Two things actually. First, is what appears to me to be a pretty clear attempt to distance Jack Dorsey from any of the problems and

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Posted by ProudAmerican

Musk Releases "The Twitter Files" Details On How Twitter Censored The Hunter Biden Laptop Story

The World in Turmoil