
Not Just The Squad: Here's The Top Twenty Anti-Israel/Anti-Semites In The House Democratic Caucus – The Lid

The news reports about the removal of the Iron Dome funding by the Democratic Party leadership blame The Squad. While the Squad was involved, what most people fail to recognize is the Democratic Party’s hatred of Jews and Israel is much broader than the squad.

Two days after Nancy Pelosi capitulated to the anti-Semites in the Democratic Party and removed the funding for Israel’s defensive Iron Dome system from a stop-gap spending bill, the House overwhelmingly passed a separate bill. The separate bill authorized the Iron Dome spending removed from the original bill. The separate legislation was designed to “cover” for the Democratic Pary lawmakers who advocated removing the Iron Dome funding from the continuing resolution that passed the House earlier this week.

This bill gave many of the anti-Semites in the party to a chance redeem themselves because this legislation would pass with or without their yes votes, so they could vote yes and explain to their fellow liberals they were only supporting the bill because their vote didn’t matter.

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