
Musk’s success vs Trump’s failure – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

While the buzz about Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter has mostly focused on his effort to end censorship and the banning of conservatives, none of this constitutes his most important accomplishment there.

Yes, mandating freedom of speech at Twitter is a good thing. And yes, ending the banning of tens of thousands of conservative voices demonstrates Musk’s unwavering commitment to freedom and open debate.

However, it is his action to house-clean — to fearlessly remove from power the thugs and goons at Twitter who created these oppressive policies — that matters the most. By firing the Twitter apparatchiks who had installed that system of censorship and blacklisting, Musk has guaranteed that this censorship and blacklisting will not return easily to Twitter should his other business interests force him to pay less attention in the future.

The house-cleaning is literally changing the culture at Twitter, allowing the supporters of freedom to run the show while kicking from power the authoritarians and blacklisters. The change is beyond refreshing, and practically unprecedented in the past half century.

More important, Musk’s unapologetic and almost enthusiastic firings of the worst abusers of power at Twitter has sent a signal throughout the entire culture….

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Posted by brzin

Elon Musk Says Twitter "Failed Trust & Safety" And "Interfered In Elections"

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