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Musk: ‘To be totally frank, almost every conspiracy theory people had about Twitter turned out to be true’

Given the state of today’s media, Elon Musk’s contributions to free speech and a more fair and just society in America will largely go unspoken but even a corrupt media cannot put the genie back into the bottle when it comes to what has been learned thus far from the ongoing release of the “Twitter Files.”

What we have learned via the Twitter Files is that conservatives were being shadow-banned and otherwise stepped upon, that the FBI and other intelligence agencies were working in partnership with now-former executives at the social media giant to control information and silence accounts deemed to be problematic, and that these actions consistently worked in favor of electing Joe Biden in 2020.

Read more about it here.

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Posted by bizpacreview

Democrat Who Objected To Trump’s Win Now Says US Should Dump Electoral College

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