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Megyn Kelly slams Meghan Markle for constant ‘my husband’ gushing: ‘We get it. You bagged the gorilla!’

There’s certainly no love lost between now-independent journalist Megyn Kelly and Meghan Markle, with Kelly blasting the Duchess of Sussex AGAIN on her podcast Tuesday for her pretentious attitude when it comes to talking about her husband Prince Harry.

Kelly was interviewing author Christopher Anderson, who has a new book coming out, “The King: The Life of Charles III,” and pointed out that when it comes to Harry and Meghan, there’s “no limit on their appetite for ripping on the Royals to whom they owe all of their fame and literally most of their fortune..”

Anderson weighed in to say that the couple is “immensely unpopular” in the UK, and remarked on once-popular Harry’s “fall from grace” as a result of the relationship — Kelly noted that Markle has a “less than 22% approval rating.

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