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'He's not in the game': Biden's top border chief blasted for literally sleeping on the job amid border crisis · American Wire News

With midterms fast approaching and no end in sight to the flood of migrants illegally crossing into America at the southern border, officials within the Biden administration are voicing their frustration with Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Chris Magnus, who they say is disconnected and often dozes off during important meetings.

According to a report in Politico, “Five current administration officials who work with CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus portrayed him as unengaged in his job, saying he often doesn’t attend White House meetings on the situation on the border, badmouths other agencies to colleagues and superiors, and has not built relationships within CBP and across other agencies to address the influx of migrants at the border.”

The sources tell the outlet that Magnus is more concerned with “reforming the culture of the Border Patrol, addressing its long list of allegations of racism and violence” than he is with getting to know CBP operations.

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