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Flight attendant sues airline for racial discrimination after allegedly losing job because she couldn’t fit in jump seat

A flight attendant terminated from her job for being too overweight to buckle her seatbelt has filed a lawsuit accusing the airline of discriminating against her–because of her race.

Prior to Sept. 2021, Chelsia Blackmon had completed her training and was compliant with all standard protocols necessary to be placed on active duty as a flight attendant with Spirit Airlines. By Nov. 2021, she had lost her job after her weight reportedly made her incapable of fitting into the jump seat and she could not correct the matter within the timeframe allotted by the airline.

However, according to a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Blackmon, a black woman, accused Spirit of violating Title VII of the Civil Rights Act along with The Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, alleging she was given less time to lose weight than a white woman under similar circumstances.

Read more here.

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