
Fear, Fraud & Fascism: The Democrat Party

Fear, Fraud & Fascism: The Democrat Party, And now we watch as their Biden presidency dissolves before our eyes, potentially entering the horror of totalitarian fascism, and possibly the finality of world war, taking our country’s life, dignity and stature with it, Covid, Hunter, Laptop

It is well known among astute political observers that it is easy to figure out what Democrats are planning.  All one needs to do is listen to their rhetoric and turn it around.  Earlier in the week, Hillary Clinton made a point of savaging the GOP as the party of fear, fraud, and fascism.  The Clintons never lacked for chutzpah, but Hillary is in a class of her own. It would be completely honest, a rare event, if she was talking about her own party.  Such claims are used for distraction purposes,  masking who they are and what they are planning.

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Posted by Yankee62

Two Parties, Two Very Different Abortion Views | N.A.P.

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