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Democrats Were Founded by Racists & Their REAL Intent is to EXTERMINATE the African-American Population – The Washington Standard

The following is a reprint of an old article and dedicated to my friend Caroline. As we await the Supreme Court’s decision on overturning Roe v Wade, I would hope every American (and especially minorities) would learn the truth. Abortion was never about women’s rights, it was about ethnic cleansing. …

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Posted by TheWashingtonStandard

Tim Brown is an author and Editor at, and He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina.

Welcome to Biden's Ominous Unconstitutional 'Disinformation' Governance Board – The Washington Standard

Peer-Reviewed MIT Study Finds "Significant Association" Between COVID Shot & Cardiac Arrest – The Washington Standard