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‘Deeply troubling’ possibility VA docs may be sent by Biden admin to cope with border sparks outrage

The situation at the border has steadily worsened over President Joe Biden’s tenure in office, and upcoming policy changes are likely to make things even more chaotic.

With just a little over a month to go before the end of the Title 42 policy—a public health order enacted by the Trump administration during the COVID-19 crisis to enable the speedy expulsion of migrants—a group of over 50 House Republicans are slamming the Biden administration over the strong possibility that Customs and Border Protection (CBP) may have to tap into Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors to cope with the expected border surge.

Despite efforts to keep masking mandates and even lockdown orders alive, and talk of a new omicron sub-variant of COVID-19 hovering in the background, Biden declared earlier this month that he would be putting an end to Trump’s protective policy. Predictably, there are now concerns of a massive rush at the southern border this summer as migrants seek to take advantage of more lenient border policies. And now, amid reports that the CBP is drawing up contingency plans to siphon off VA medical personnel to provide assistance to incoming migrants, some Republicans are expressing concerns that these measures will short-change Americans who rely on VA services.

Read more here.

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