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Damar Hamlin: With 50 Years, 1.7 Million Hits in the NFL, Why Have We Never Seen an “Arrhythmia” Cardiac Arrest Before?

The mainstream media is working overtime to avoid any mention that a Covid vaccine played any part in the NFL’s Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. Their established narrative lays blame on a “blow to his chest” as the cause for his heart attack during the 1st quarter of Monday’s game. This explanation is a deliberate attempt to keep the “V” word out of any Hamlin discussions. Just a few days ago former NBA Utah Jazz legend John Stockton said “I think it’s highly recorded now, there’s 150 I believe now, over 100 professional athletes dead, in the prime of their life,

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Posted by ussanews

House DISASTER! McCarthy DEMOLISHED Overnight as Gaetz DEMANDS He Be Physically REMOVED From OFFICE!

“Pray in the Rain!” Muslim Governor Denies Church Roof