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Comedian Rob Schneider delivers INSPIRING response to fan asking him to ‘get away from politics’

Actor and comedian Rob Schneider was asked by a fan online about avoiding politics and the former “Saturday Night Live” writer and cast member answered to explain why it’s so critically important to be vocal today.

“Rob I love you, I even have tickets to your show in a few [months]. BUT I come on Twitter to see you to get away from all the politics and stuff. Idk I know it’s freedom of speech but some of us need a break from depression and just need a laugh,” the fan wrote.

And while many Americans feel the same way, particularly when they settle in front of the TV for a sports event or the like, there’s a bit of irony involved in suggesting as much on a social media platform that truly serves as the modern-day public square — just ask Elon Musk.

Read more here.

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Posted by americanwire

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