
Calling All Patriots: Mobilize for Election Day

And Share Any Sketchy Stories!

It’s Election Day 2022 tomorrow! I have a few requests to make of my fellow patriots.

Firstly—please vote. I know some people might feel as if it’s rather pointless after 2020, but it’s NOT. I know it was only a primary, but there was definitely attempted cheating in the Arizona gubernatorial primary Kari Lake won, and the sheer number of votes overcame that. And even Democrat strongholds like New York are feeling the rumbles of potential Republican victories.  It’s our civic duty to vote.

But there are ways to go above and beyond voting to ensure the honesty and success of the election (which the Democrats will most certainly try to steal, probably with the help of corrupt Republicans). The main way is to mobilize the voter base—share information about candidates and offer drives or other help to friends and family so they can go vote tomorrow.  And bring pens with you—we don’t want another Sharpiegate

It is almost certainly too late to sign up to be a poll worker if you haven’t already, but in many states citizens are turning out to watch ballot boxes to help ensure there is no repeat of the massive ballot trafficking such as 2000 Mulesuncovered.

Let’s all pray that tomorrow is the day we take back our country from those who stole it from us!

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Posted by CatSalgado32

Catherine Salgado is a columnist for The Rogue Review, a Writer for MRC Free Speech America, and writes her own Substack, Pro Deo et Libertate. She received the Andrew Breitbart MVP award for August 2021 from The Rogue Review for her journalism.

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