
Buffalo Damar Hamlin Collapses. If he took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, ubclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered

Dr. Peter McCullough (7:54pm):

“I watched the play live both as a fan and a cardiologist and I saw blunt neck and chest trauma, a brief recovery after the tackle and then a classic cardiac arrest.  I have communicated to one of the most experienced trainers in the world and we agree that it was a cardiac arrest in the setting of a big surge of adrenalin.  If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis.   We have been told he was successfully defibrillated on the field and has been intubated and is not spontaneously breathing which is consistent with anoxic encephalopathy.  The nation prays for his complete recovery.”

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Hamlin is believed to have suffered cardiac arrest