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‘AOC-you later!’ Mental health questioned after her Ricky Ricardo impression, dancing at ugly Townhall

October has been a cruel month for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez who has been faced with disruptive protesters in her home district, most recently at a town hall meeting where the socialist diva reacted by using an over-the-top, phony Latino accent and danced as she was being heckled.

The New York City Democrat who had previously been confronted over her support of funding to Ukraine at another recent town hall isn’t used to such a rude reception, a sign that her act is wearing thin and that the princess carriage may soon turn back into a pumpkin for the political Cinderella who exploded onto the national scene in 2018 and has been treated as a celebrity ever since.

AOC’s antics at the event where she faced chants of “AOC has got to go,” have some suggesting that she isn’t mentally well, including Newsmax TV host John Bachman who opined on the congresswoman’s bizarre meltdown that took place on Wednesday in Queens.

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