
'Angel Mom' Killed By Illegal Alien – Democrats Should be SHAMED!

AUSTELL, GA – This morning, 58-year-old Kathy Inman died in hospice care at Tranquility of Cobb Hospital. Her family recently placed her there, after a three-month stay in a local nursing home.

Kathy spent the last 21 years profoundly disabled and confined to a wheelchair, as a result of the devastating injuries she received in the car crash that took the life of her son, Dustin, in 2000.

On June 16, 2000, Dustin, along with his parents, Billy and Kathy, were on their way to a Father’s Day weekend of camping and fishing, when their car was slammed into by a vehicle driven by Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez. 

The Inmans were sitting at a stoplight, when the crash occurred. 

The television show “America’s Most Wanted w/John Walsh,” reported:

Billy Inman’s vehicle, a Pontiac Grand Am, was hit from behind. Billy Inman was stopped behind a Ford Bronco, which was stopped at a traffic light. Police say Gonzalo, who was driving an Oldsmobile, ran into Billy Inman’s car. The speedometer of Harrell’s vehicle was stuck at 62 mph. The impact from the rear-end collision pushed Inman’s Pontiac into the rear of the Bronco, crushing it in an accordian-like fashion.

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Posted by Ace

Hebron 1929: When Jews Learned What America's Afghan Allies Are Learning Today – The Lid

You cannot improve upon the divine standard, but you sure can fall short