
A Slightly Irreverent Look At The Differences Between Christmas And Hanukkah – The Lid

Hanukkah began Sunday night, and Christmas is less than a month away.  All too often, woke liberals lump the two together in the politically correct expression “happy holidays.” But the two holidays are very different. America is supposed to be a “melting pot,” but it’s more of a gumbo.  One sad thing about each faith’s end of the year holiday is that most Jews do not understand Christmas, and most Christians don’t get Hanukkah. But they should. After all, both faiths are descended from the patriarch Abraham, and each believes in the “golden rule.” People don’t realize that Christianity and Judaism each believe that Jesus was a nice Jewish boy who went into his father’s business. The disagreement is what his father’s occupation was.

As we are in the middle of Chanukah and Christmas is about to start, it’s time for me to explain the differences between them to the people of the opposite faith. Therefore below are 20 differences between Christmas and Chanukah. Why 20? Because The Hebrew letter Kaf represents 2o. Grammatically Kaf indicates a comparison. As this is a comparison between two holidays, below are 20 differences between Hannukah and Christmas (with tongue firmly in cheek)

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